You can't cut fat if you don't know where it is, and now Joseph C. Piscatella, author of Don't Eat Your Heart Out Cookbook and other diet and health books, with over 2 million copies in print continues his quest to make fat-reduction easier to implement. The Fat-Gram Guide to Restaurant Food gives the fat-grams, calories, and percentage of calories from fat for over 3,500 of the most commonly ordered restaurant dishes. It includes fast-food offerings by franchise, and it is the only guide to sit-down restaurant meals. Here are breakfasts, from McDonaldĂs Pancakes to Sausage McMuffin. (Choose the pancakes.) Lunches and brunches. And of course all manner of dinner foods, from beef to fish, Mexican to Japanese.
In addition to its convenient alphabetical listings, the guide provides Joe Piscatella's own strategy for making smarter choices in restaurants. And he should know. A tireless speaker and promoter for his books, he is on the road 100 days out of the year, eating out during every one of them.