365 Knock-Knock Jokes

ISBN10: 1402741081
ISBN13: 9781402741081
Number Of Pages: 128
Publication Date: 20060828
Publisher: Sterling
Binding: Paperback
SKU: 9781402741081
Savings $2.38 [40%]

Knock-Knock. What’s here? A knock-knock for every day of the year!

Knock-knocks are perennial favorites with kids, and they’ll find more than enough yuks on these pages to share with their family, friends, and anyone else for a long time to come. They can try this one with their teachers: “Knock Knock. Who’s there? Dewey. Dewey who? Dewey have to do our homework tonight? The librarian will like this one: “Knock Knock. Who’s there? Cohen. Cohen who? Cohen home after I return these books.”

Adorable and energetic art adds to the fun.