365 New Words Page-A-Day Calendar 2010

ISBN10: 076115258X
ISBN13: 9780761152583
Number Of Pages: 320
Publication Date: 20090730
Publisher: Workman
Binding: Calendar
SKU: 9780761152583
Savings $5.20 [40%]

Now celebrating 30 fabulous years as the best and bestselling word calendar, 365 New Words-A-Year is the perfect gift for writers, readers, students, crossword buffs, and etymology aficionados. On every page is a great new way to boost your everyday vocabulary. There are million-dollar words (paroemiologist: a student of proverbs), folksy words (thank-you-ma'am: a bump or depression in a road), and more. You're sure to avoid catachresis (use of the wrong word for the context), because each entry includes a definition, pronunciation, sample sentence, and detailed word history.