A Tale of Two Tribes

Every year, Snuggletooth and the gang search far and wide for the special herbs and spices they use in the annual Harvest Festival feast. But while the monsters sleep, robbers snatch the Sneeze-Weezies, pilfer the Pitter-pat roots, and make off with the mushberries. Can the Wetmore Forest friends catch the thieves and recover their harvest in time for the festivities?
ISBN10: 1454936037
ISBN13: 9781454936039
Number Of Pages: 32
Publication Date: 20200204
Publisher: Sterling
Binding: Hardback
SKU: 9781454936039
Savings $3.98 [40%]
Somewhere deep in the heart of the Pacific Northwest is a wooded glen known as Wetmore Forest--and it's almost festival time!

Every year, Snuggletooth and the gang search far and wide for the special herbs and spices they use in the annual Harvest Festival feast. But while the monsters sleep, robbers snatch the Sneeze-Weezies, pilfer the Pitter-pat roots, and make off with the mushberries. Can the Wetmore Forest friends catch the thieves and recover their harvest in time for the festivities?