Ace Any Test

ISBN10: 1565112466
ISBN13: 9781565112469
Publication Date: 19971204
Publisher: Workman
Binding: Audio cassette
SKU: 9781565112469
Savings $4.40 [40%]

This is a test: Name the greatest cause of stress and anxiety in students today. The answer? Tests. An antidote to test-related symptoms—including fear, nervousness, and knots in the stomach"Ace" Any Test walks test-takers of all ages through the steps of successful test preparation, including:

• Creating the time to study
• Deciding when to really start studying
• Studying smarter, not harder
• Reading for maximum retention
• Preparing for essay tests
• Preparing for objective tests

Friendly and encouraging, written in clear, understandable vocabulary with touches of humor, it's recommended for anyone who'd rather "ace" tests than suffer through them.