Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has delighted children and adults the world over for more than 100 years. Now, in an exqisite new edition of Lewis Carroll's masterwork, acclaimed Spanish illustrator Angel Dominguez captures all of the original's pungent wit and whimsy in his own surrealistic style. Artisan's beautifully designed and produced volume of Alice will be a treasured addition to the international body of classic children's literature.
Through seventy-five new watercolor illustrations, readers are reintroduced to the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, the Mock Turtle, and all the other fabulously curious creatures that inhabit Alices imaginary universe. Alice, modern literatures prototype of the wise child, looks squarely at this lopsided dream-world, and proclaims, Stuff and nonsense! Dominguezs vivid depictions of Wonderlands odd residents perfectly complement the utterly logical yet blatantly absurd content of Carrolls hallmark tale.