Animal Crack-Ups Page-a-Day 2012 Calendar

ISBN10: 0761163026
ISBN13: 9780761163022
Number Of Pages: 320
Publication Date: 20110715
Publisher: Workman
Binding: Calendar
SKU: 9780761163022
Savings $5.60 [40%]

What’s tickling these animals’ funny bones? The Animal Crack-Ups Calendar! Pairing a daily full-color photograph of an animal howling with laughter and an irresistibly corny joke, pun, or riddle, it’s a goofy hoot for the whole family. Find out why the polar bear is rolling on the floor laughing: Where do polar bears keep their money?In snow banks. And here’s the gem that put the lemur in stitches: Why couldn’t the primate become a comedian? His jokes were getting lemur and lemur. Uproarious and adorable images perfectly matched with a groaner that’s so bad, it’s hilarious...right, sea lion? What does stuck seaweed say? Kelp! Kelp!