In this thrilling sequel to the first Back to Back, we return to the adventures of Mia Blanken, the feisty female oil trader. Some years have passed, and Mia finds herself back in New York, penniless and unemployed. To motivate herself on the path to financial and professional recovery, Mia sets her sights on a dazzling new goal - to be the first woman in the world to make a billion dollars. Soon, however, this glittering desire has blinded Mia to all that she used to hold dear - friendship, love, and self-respect. It is not until disaster strikes, that Mia finds herself having to re-assess her values once again, and to decide what is truly important to her. A thrilling, page-turner of a novel, Back to Back: Mia's Revenge takes a dramatic look at the major recent events of the financial world, from the first Iraq War to the investment scandals of the early twenty-first century, while asking some tough questions about American capitalistic society along the way. Is greed still good? Or, are there perhaps lessons that we all need to learn about the pursuit of money above all else? A compelling story, with major themes, that will grip the reader from start to finish.