Five Good Minutes with the One You Love

These 100 simple and fun practices will help couples find quality time for each other no matter how crazy their schedules. In only five minutes, these simple activities will help them become more mindful and focused on another, leading to more a intimate, connected, and loving relationship.

ISBN10: 1572245123
ISBN13: 9781572245129
Number Of Pages: 264
Publication Date: 20080115
Publisher: NewHarbinger
Binding: Paperback
SKU: 9781572245129
Savings $5.98 [40%]

When you first fall in love, every moment you spend with that special someone feels like a lifetime. Even a glance and a smile can seem to last for hours. But as time goes by, let’s face it, relationships change. You have places to go and people to see, children to raise and careers to manage. The rest of the world can start to slip in between you and the one you love. It takes practice to remain deeply connected and truly intimate with someone—but it doesn’t need to take up all of your free time. With the simple practices in this book, you’ll be able to really connect with your special someone in just five minutes a day.

Using simple techniques drawn from mindfulness practice, each of these intimate and fun activities will help you feel closer, more connected, and more deeply in love with your partner. The meditations, affirmations, and observations you’ll find here will foster gratitude, trust, empathy, and loving kindness. Use them to get closer to the one you love, and watch as the benefits of mindfulness grow to fill your relationship with renewed romance, harmony, and joy.

Five Good Minutes is a trademark of New Harbinger Publications, Inc.