Wacky Websites Page-A-Day Calendar 2010

ISBN10: 0761153047
ISBN13: 9780761153047
Number Of Pages: 320
Publication Date: 20090730
Publisher: Workman
Binding: Calendar
SKU: 9780761153047
Savings $5.20 [40%]

So little time, so many ways to waste it. A lively celebration of the funniest, nuttiest, wildest, and most entertaining sites on the Internet, Wacky Websites will keep boredom at bay all year long. Learn cool tricks (and the physics behind them), like pulling a tablecloth out from under full place settings. Get your thrills risk-free with an online dirt bike course. Plus a cooking show starring an animated octopus, parallel parking practice, a gallery of emotive sock puppets, and a virtual tour of Stan Marsh's Cadillac Ranch. Work? What work?